More and more educators have been fast moving to the virtual world, whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms, from in-person courses to a virtual classroom, across all subject areas and grade levels at elementary, middle, high schools, colleges and universities. These e-learning models including Flipped Classroom, MOOC, and Open Courseware and many more.
Simple e-Lecture Production
A simple Lecture Capture solution for recording lectures and presentations to empowers educators for virtual learning, recorded contents and/or self-test exams for online teaching materials can be download easily by students, courses can be live streaming in real-time, same as classroom modules, delivered through web based platform to ensure engaged learning, that can be flexible and easy to operate.
Create high quality content and stream it over the internet with EDU-650. The solution kit includes a 4-CH Full HD Audio/Vision Mixer SE-650, a Stunning Full HD resolution Camera PTC-140 and a Capture Box CAP-2 for video conferencing such as Google meet, Zoom, MS team or Social Media platforms without haste.