Product News

Datavideo House Show at Video Plus |Datavideo

Datavideo house show at Video Plus

Mar 28 2014

On Tuesday the 25th of March, we attended a special Datavideo open day at Video Plus in St. Ouen near Paris in France.

We drove our demonstration van over the sunny roads of the Netherlands, Belgium and France to take our products to Video Plus.

We hosted a full demonstration of all the products installed in the van (SE-2800 and SE-3000 switcher, all recorders, cameras, monitors, streaming encoders, power distributors and converters).

Inside, Pascal HaVinh demonstrated the HS-2800, HS-2000 and HS-600 mobile switchers. We also had a small setup with the DVK-300HD and TC-200 title creator. This was a very popular setup, especially the dual PIP function of the HS-2800, in combination with the TC-200's live titles and ticker tape generation.

Due to the bad weather, strikes in the subway and a jammed Peripherique, turnout was not particularly high. However, we still made some excellent contacts.


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