
Datavideo Rackbuilder |Datavideo

Datavideo Rackbuilder

Mar 24 2014

Datavideo introduces RackBuilder, a new fast and efficient way to configure portable production units (PPU) over the Internet.

The new web app allows users to create bespoke rack units online, configuring production units to suit individual needs. Users can specify every element of the unit and select the position of each module to ensure an intuitive workspace.

As a manufacturer of a massive range of production equipment, Datavideo is well placed to create integrated television and video solutions. For a number of years, the company has developed off-the-shelf mobile solutions that produce, record and stream multi-camera programmes. Now it is going further by helping users to specify and configure a PPU down to every detail. Users can select the vision mixer of their choice - and the number of inputs they require. They can pick from a huge range of signal converters, test and measurement devices, recorders, multiviewer monitors and more, arranging the position of each individual module.

As a web-based application, the project can be saved and updated via any browser. Once the user is satisfied with the PPU created, a single click sends the file to Datavideo for the build process to begin. Final orders are fulfilled by the customer's preferred reseller.

"Datavideo equipment is durable, easy to operate and simple to integrate so it's ideal for a PPU. Now with the RackBuilder app, customers have the quickest route from design to dispatch, with very few clicks in-between. By specifying an all-Datavideo PPU, there's a single warranty, a single customer service line and global technical support." Said Valentijn Diemel of Datavideo Europe.

The RackBuilder is now available at www.rackbuilder.info.