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BVE 2014 News: Broadcast Facility on the Move: Datavideo Launches New Portable Production Unit |Datavideo

BVE 2014 News: Broadcast Facility on the Move: Datavideo Launches New Portable Production Unit

Jan 27 2014

Datavideo is launching OBV-2800, a two-piece transportable production system that can be integrated into a small OB van in minutes. Alternatively, it can be wheeled into position at an event to provide live production services or even be installed in a domestic setting to produce fly-on-the-wall documentaries.

The system can be configured to produce, record and transmit HD programming with high production values, without the need to call on OB trucks or location units that can take days to install and set up.

"We see so many production companies struggling to wire and configure multiple systems on site. With OBV-2800, the whole unit is literally ready to roll. We can configure the rack to deliver exactly the right solution. When needs change, so does OBV-2800: it's been designed to be very simple to swap out modules and can be adapted to fit every workflow." Said Allan Leonhardsen, of Datavideo UK.

Two interlocking rack units can house multiple preview and playout monitors, recorders, test equipment, intercom modules, camera controllers, audio devices and video switchers. Indeed, as a 19" rack system, any standard unit, including rack-mounted HP workstations, can be installed and powered by OBV-2800 to deliver real-time graphics or multi-channel recording.

Datavideo also manufactures a series of rack adapters that can modify virtually any desktop equipment - such as the Datavideo NVS-20 encoder - for use in the system. Also available is the RMK-2 which holds and powers multiple mini converters, scan converters and SDI distributors.

OBV-2800 is available - pre-configured and tested. For more information on the system, visit BVE 2014 in London.

For more information, visit stand J32.


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