
Akilan Institute India - Online Course Production & Recording with Datavideo Solution

Akilan Institute India - Online Course Production & Recording with Datavideo Solution

Sep 28 2020

Akilan Institute was established in 2002 as a coaching institute in Chennai - INDIA preparing students for Board Exams and Competitive examinations. Akilan Institute provides coaching mainly for preparation of Engineering entrance exams, Medical Exams, Junior Level Competitive Exams etc .

In the Covid-19 pandemic, Akilan Institute has adopted online teaching as most of the student are not allowed to travel for in-person learning due to high risk Covid-19 infection. Thus, Akilan Institute management  has approached Datavideo Team & local system integrator, E-study Room, to propose solution for Online Teaching Production & Recording. Since they already have their current camcorders, Datavideo specialist proposed the complete 650-Streaming & Recording solution to complete the workflow at the most cost effective and reliable proposal.

Datavideo SE-650, NVS-33 & HDR-1 was deployed and has helped to solve their difficulties that they have faced earlier. They are very satisfied of the professional video program and record and they are very proud to be one of the Datavideo user.



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