
Rosh Green Screen Studio

Rosh Green Screen Studio - Augmented Reality with tracking and AR object control using TVS-3000

Dec 11 2020

Rosh Media Solutions, Inc. and Precision Digital Broadcast Solutions Inc. are two of the leading rental and production houses in Metro Manila, Philippines. With a 150sqm: 16ft high x 32ft wide x 60ft deep green screen studio, Rosh Media provides different rental packages - including Augmented Reality with tracking and AR object control using Datavideo TVS-3000.

Datavideo TVS-3000 3D Tracking VR/AR 4K Virtual Studio System enable them to gain more clients and providing them with enhanced and more immersive video productions. It’s perfect for live events, award ceremonies, education etc. This helps Rosh Media and Precision Digital gain more trust with their clients in providing their video production requirements. Please click the link below to watch the video produced by TVS-3000.

Datavideo TVS-3000 3D Tracking VR/AR 4K Virtual Studio System can easily overlay 3D virtual objects into real scene videos, and also provides interaction with the AR object through real-time positioning.

For more information, please visit to https://www.datavideo.com/ap/product/TVS-3000

To watch Rosh Media Studio live follow them via the following links:
Facebook at www.facebook.com/roshmediasolutions


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