CG-300 & CG-350

Windows PC Software Removal Recommendations

Windows PC Software Removal Recommendations

Windows PC Software Removal Recommendations

Nov 03 2020 | CG-300 & CG-350
Windows PC Software
Removal Recommendations

Below is a list of software that is no longer developed for Windows, and is not recommended on our PC systems, including the DVD-300 and PCRM350A.

We generally recommend having as few additional programs installed on your system as possible to ensure full compatibility with your Datavideo software.


Apple Quicktime
Version 7.7.9
Last Update: Jan 7, 2016

Potential Issue: Apple discontinued development of this software, so it could affect your system's video performance, or create security vulnerabilities if connected to the internet. Consider installing VLC instead.


Classic Shell
Version 4.3.1
Last Update: December 2017

Potential Issue: Classic Shell modifies the structure primarily of the Windows Start Menu, which is great if you're feeling nostalgic, but Windows 10 has gone through some major updates, so it's likely that Classic Shell is compromised, and could negatively impact system functions.


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CG-300 & CG-350

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