Technical Knowledge

How to Write a News Script and How to Teach Students to Write a News Script

How to Write a News Script and How to Teach Students to Write a News Script

Jun 09 2021

Creating a news script can be challenging. The news anchors or script will use the news anchor script, but for all crew members. The script will format news stories into a format that can be captured into a new show.

One of the exercises you can do before creating a script is to answer these two questions:

  • What is the central message of your story?
  • Who is your audience?

You could choose the five most important points of each story as a news script example. In your news broadcast, you need to keep in mind that you will mention the critical issues of interest in your story and a limited amount of time. Preparing an outline that directs your thinking process to eliminate what is not critically important will be an excellent news script example.

The number one factor in developing a successful script is organization. The more organized you are, the easier it will be to manage and create a solid script.

An excellent place to begin is first determining how much time you have to deliver your news presentation. Next, you would decide how many topics you want to cover. For example, if you are producing a school broadcast and you want to cover the following topics:

  1. Introduction/Local Happenings
  2. Daily announcements
  3. School activities: dance, club meetings, etc. 
  4. Sport activities
  5. PTA activities


Once you have identified the number of individual topics, divide that number into the amount of time you have. If you cover five topics and have 10 minutes for the video presentation, you now have a reference point for an average of 2 minutes of discussion per topic. You can quickly see that your writing and verbal delivery must be concise. You can also use that reference guide number to increase or decrease the number of topics covered. Once you determine the average amount of time for each topic, it is now time to identify your content.


The basis of any story in your newscast will answer the following:

  • Who
  • What
  • Where
  • When
  • How
  • Why?


Keeping things relevant and to the point is critical. You will want to begin each new topic with an introduction line –a very brief summary of the story. Next, you will want to immediately deliver only the minimal amount of information possible to get your point across. When presenting a newscast, you do not have a lot of time to tell a story. Every second that you record must be accounted for with narration and a corresponding visual.


An interesting way to approach a news script is to identify the following steps in one or two sentences.

  1. Introduction/summary (who)
  2. Establish the scene (where, what)
  3. Discuss the topic (why)
  4. Solutions (how)
  5. Follow-up (what's next)


To make your script perfect, the video should include graphics. You can also use stage props or interviews to convey stories in more excellent detail. Please note that the narration speed should not be too fast; otherwise, the audience might be confused. Of course, if the narration is too slow, the audience might lose interest. Hence, the news reporter must speak at the right speed as the program progresses.

A good method to help students better understand news reporting is to listen to various news programs. By listening to other news programs, you will learn different ways and styles of expression from each reporter. What all reporters have in common is that they are highly professional in reading scripts. The cameras are positioned at the same height as the reporters to appear talking to you directly. You can hardly feel that they are reading the scripts to report the news.

Most people rely on the default script example to keep texts in sync with visual effects. Therefore, it is effortless to find examples of the default scripts on the Internet. Not only can these scripts be downloaded for free, but the website also offers you almost all kinds of news script examples. After entering the search bar keywords, you will be allowed to choose your preferred style of the script from the displayed list for the news script template.

There are three distinct parts in the following script example: time, video, and audio. The time column contains the duration in which the reporter or news anchor should spend reading the script. The Video column contains the necessary visual effects and should be in sync with the script video. A-Roll refers to a specified program or live program video. B-Roll is usually the pre-recorded video for enhancing visual effects. The rightmost column contains the audio components.

You can see that this template provides you with some critical information. It presents the total picture at a glance. You can quickly see how long it takes to read any narrative section (audio) and what images will coincide with the narration. 

Based on this composite information, you can see if the visuals will match the narrative and change accordingly. You may need more or fewer visuals to stay in sync with what is being read. You may need to increase or shorten the narrative to make your video look better. Using a news script template is a tremendous tool that will give you an excellent feel for how the overall video production will look and sound before you even press the record button. Your news script template forces you to account for every second of the video recorded.