General Information

SEConfig and Windows 10

SEConfig and Windows 10

SEConfig and Windows 10

Nov 03 2020 | General Information

How to connect your switcher to SEConfig on a Windows 10 PC

Applies to SE-2200, SE-2800, HS-2200, HS-2800

Connect to your Windows PC directly via Ethernet cable to your SE-2800.
If you experience any issues, try disabling any firewall or antivirus for the remainder of this process.

Press the Windows Start Button, start typing "View Network Connections", and press enter when you see it.

Right click Local Area Connection, Left click the Properties button.

Double Left click the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) item.

Note that the SE-2800’s default IP address is If you prefer to change it to match your personal network settings, contact us for information on how to do that.

If not selected already, left click the radio button “Use the following IP address:”

Set the IPv4 Default Gateway to and IPv4 Address to
Subnet mask will default to

Note that if you already use that connection's IPv4 settings for other network devices, write them down so you can change them back after you complete this process.

You can alternately use a USB to Ethernet adaptor for connecting the 2800 to the computer permitting the USB network adapter retains the static IP settings after disconnecting


Continue to follow the “SE-2800 Firmware Update.pdf” file, starting with step 13.

Additional notes:
Make sure that the “Datavideo Switcher Configuration Utility” is at least version 2.5, build 12.10.2013. This latest version is included in the same folder as this guide. Uninstall any previous versions before installing this one.
On step 17, choose the gateway from the drop-down list if it is not already selected. If necessary, left click the Find button, then select the IP address from the list.
It should automatically connect, and display “SE-2800-12” in the box labeled Model.
If not, left click Connect, and it should either connect or display another error message.
If it still does not connect, make sure your firewall and antivirus are disabled.
If that fails to work, check your IPv4 network settings.
If that’s not the issue, try restarting both the PC and SE-2800, and then retry the steps in this guide


General Information


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