TLM-700HD tally pin info

TLM-700HD tally pin info

TLM-700HD tally pin info

Nov 03 2020 | TLM-700HD

What is the required voltage and pin information for the Tally on the TLM-700HD?

• Pin 1: Red Tally LED (LED turns on when the external signal is low, and LED turns off when the external signal is high.) The control signal voltage is 5V when the external signal is high.
• Pin 3: Yellow Tally LED (LED turns on when the external signal is low, and LED turns off when the external signal is high.) The control signal voltage is 5V when the external signal is high.
• Pin 4 and 10: GROUND
• Pin 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, and 14: No pin connection
• Pin 12 and 15: Reserved for Datavideo use only



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